Glossary T

Time-limited group therapy refers to a group approach to brief therapy forwarded by Budman and Gurman in which patients meet weekly for a predetermined number of sessions. Four (4) central characteristics include pregroup screening and preparation, the establishment and maintenance of a working focus, group cohesion, and member reactions to the time limits of the group.

Time-of-measurement effects refers to one of the three (3) fundamental effects examined in developmental research, along with age and cohort effects, which result from the time at which the data are collected.

Time-on-task performance is another name for Sustained attention, the ability to maintain an effortful response over time. A form of Attention involving the Maintenance of attentional

Time-out a kind of punishment that involves removing children who are misbehaving from a situation to a quiet, unstimulating environment.

Time-out technique refers to a form of discipline in which children who misbehave are removed from the setting until they are prepared to act more appropriately

Time-sample recording refers to the measurement of whether or not a behavior occurs within a series of discontinuous intervals.

Deutsch: Zeitreihendesign / Español: Diseño de series temporales / Português: Desenho de séries temporais / Français: Conception de séries temporelles / Italiano: Progettazione a serie temporali /

Time-series design refers to a quasi-experimental research design consisting of a series of observations before a treatment or event and a series of observations after the treatment. The researcher administers the treatment. It is a a research design that involves measurements made over some period, example is the study of traffic accident rates before and after lowering the speed limit.

Timeline is a study of activity over a specified period of time

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