Glossary A

Authentic dissent a technique of improving the quality of Group decisions in which one or more Group members actively disagree with the group's initial preference without being assigned this

Authenticity (Erikson) Ritualization characterizing the third stage of development. This involves playful role authenticity (May)

Author refers to the person or persons responsible for a technical paper; a literature search via an author's name can be profitable source of additional references.

Author note refers to the section of a research report that provides details about the authors.

Authoritarian is a style of parent-centered parenting characterized by the belief in and enforcement of unquestioning obedience to authority. Authoritarian is a child-rearing style in which parents demand submission and obedience from their children but are not very communicative and warm.
Authoritarian instruction refers to a restrictive style of instruction in which the teacher makes absolute demands and uses threats or force, that is "if necessary" to ensure that students comply

Authoritarian parenting is parenting style where parents show high levels of control and low levels of warmth toward their children.

Authoritarian parents refer to parents who make arbitrary rules, expect unquestioned obedience from their children, punish transgressions, and value obedience to authority, parents who demonstrate high parental control and low parental warmth when interacting with their children.