Glossary A

Admiration in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Admiration, in the psychology context, refers to the complex emotional response and cognitive process of regarding someone or something with respect, approval, and positive regard. It involves feelings of esteem, awe, and inspiration. This comprehensive exploration will delve into the concept of admiration in psychology, provide numerous examples to illustrate its various aspects, offer recommendations for fostering and expressing admiration, and discuss related concepts that enhance our understanding of this profound emotion.

Deutsch: Bewunderung der Resilienz / Español: Admiración por la Resiliencia / Português: Admirando a Resiliência / Français: Admirer la Résilience / Italiano: Ammirazione per la Resilienza

Admiring Resilience in the context of psychology refers to the appreciation and recognition of an individual's ability to successfully adapt to stress, adversity, or trauma. It emphasizes the positive regard for the strength and perseverance people display in overcoming challenges and bouncing back from difficult situations. This concept is not only about acknowledging the resilience of others but also can be a reflective process where individuals recognize and appreciate their own resilience.

Adolescence refers to the development stage starting after puberty (also known as pre-adolescence) and ending around the age of 21. Puberty begins at about the age of 11 and some authors include it in adolescence.

In the psychology context, an adolescent refers to an individual in the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood, typically ranging from around 12 to 18 years of age, although this can vary. This developmental period is characterized by significant physical, psychological, emotional, and social changes. Adolescents undergo puberty, which brings about hormonal changes that affect physical growth and sexual development. Psychologically, this is a time of identity exploration, cognitive development, and increased independence from parents and other adults.

Deutsch: Adoleszente Egozentrik / Español: Egocentrismo Adolescente / Português: Egocentrismo Adolescente / Français: Égocentrisme de l'adolescent / Italiano: Egocentrismo dell'adolescente /

Adolescent egocentrism refers to self -absorption that is characteristic of teenagers as they search for identity.

Adolescent growth spurt refers to a period of rapid physical growth that peaks in girls at about age 12 and in boys at about age 14. It is a a noticeable increase in height and weight during adolescence.

Adolescent rebellion refers to a pattern of emotional turmoil which is the characteristic of a minority of Adolescents. Adolescent rebellion may involve conflict with family, alienation from adult society, reckless behavior, and rejection of adult values.

Adolescent-Limited (AL) Path refers to a Developmental pathway to Antisocial Behavior whereby the child's Antisocial Behavior begins around puberty, continues into adolescence, and later desists in young adulthood.