Glossary A

Adaptive self -organization refers to the process by which an open system retains its essential identity when confronted with new and constant environmental conditions. It creates new substructures, revises the relationships among components, and establishes new, higher levels of organization that coordinate existing substructures. Moreover, it is adjustments made by an operating system in which feedback mechanisms identify and respond to environmental changes in order to maintain and enhance the functioning of the system

Adaptive significance refers to the effectiveness of behaviour in aiding organisms to adjust to changing environmental conditions.

Adaptive strategy choice model refers to Siegler's model to describe how strategies change over time; the view that multiple strategies exist within a child's cognitive repertoire at any one time, with these strategies competing with one another for use.

ADD is the abbreviations of Attention Deficit Disorder which refers to a chronic, developmental and behavioral disorder that initially manifests in childhood that is characterized b

Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a product or providing a service.

Addiction refers to a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and drug use and by neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain.

Addictive personality is the the hypothesis of a personality structure common to all people with substance-use disorders

Addition is a speech error in which linguistic material is added.