Glossary A
Glossary A
Attention hypothesis of automatization refers to the proposal that attention is needed during a learning phase of a new task.
Deutsch: Aufmerksamkeitserregend / Español: Captación de Atención / Português: Captura de Atenção / Français: Captation de l'Attention / Italiano: Cattura dell'Attenzione
Attention-grabbing in the context of psychology refers to stimuli or actions that effectively capture and hold an individual's focus or awareness. This concept is significant in understanding how certain features of the environment or aspects of communication demand and sustain human attention over others. Attention-grabbing mechanisms are crucial for cognitive processing, influencing how information is perceived, processed, and remembered.
Attentional blink task refers to activity in which people attend to two (2) kinds of stimuli and usually ignore one kind that occurs within a short delay after the other one
Attentional capacity refers to the amount of information in short-term memory to which a person can attend.
Attentional Capacity refers to a hypothetical construct referring to the amount of information that can be processed at a time.
Attentional capture refers to the ability of motion to attract attention. Likewise, Attentional capture is a phenomenon in which certain stimuli seem to "pop out” and require a perso