Glossary C

Cost effectiveness refers to the formal evaluation of the effectiveness of an intervention relative to its cost and the cost of alternative interventions.

Cost per applicant refers to the amount of money spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the number of people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.

Cost per qualified applicant refers to the amount of money spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the number of qualified people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.

Cost-benefit approach refers to an approach to analyzing the ethics of a research study, based on weighing the costs of the research, like the subjects’ time, stress to subjects, and others against the benefits of the research like gaining knowledge about human sexuality or sexual behaviors, etc.

Counseling psychologist refers to a kind of Psychologist who specializes in the treatment of milder, everyday emotional and behavioral problems or disturbances

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Counselor refers to a mental health professional who specializes in helping people with problems not involving serious mental disorder or psychiatric problems; for example, marriage

Count noun is defined as a noun that takes the plural morpheme and refers to an object with clear boundaries, such as a stick. Count noun is also called an Individual noun.
Counter Dependant refers to a person who resists being dependant.