Glossary C

Canonical form refers to a whole-word sound pattern that young children sometimes use as a basis for pronouncing new words.
Canvass means interviewing a large number of potential witnesses.

Capability in the Psychology Context: Unlocking Human Potential

In the realm of psychology, capability refers to an individual's innate or acquired capacity to perform specific tasks, solve problems, adapt to challenges, and achieve goals. This concept is central to understanding human potential and plays a pivotal role in various psychological theories and applications. This comprehensive exploration delves into the concept of capability in psychology, provides numerous examples of its manifestations in different psychological contexts, offers recommendations for nurturing and enhancing human capability, discusses treatment and intervention approaches for addressing challenges to capability, and explores related psychological concepts that shed light on the significance of harnessing human potential for personal growth and well-being.

Deutsch: Kapazität / Español: Capacidad / Português: Capacidade / Français: Capacité / Italiano: Capacità /

Capacity refers to the sum total of cognitive resources available at any given time.

Capacity to delay gratification refers to the ability to make immediate sacrifices for later rewards

Capillaries refer to microscopic or very small blood vessels that connect arterioles and venulesPortion of vascular System where blood/tissue gas exchange occurs.

Likewise, Capilla

Capital punishment refers to the legal imposition of a sentence of death upon a convicted offender.