Glossary C

Calefacient refers to a substance, such as mustard that produces a sensation of warmth when applied to a part of the body.

Deutsch: Kalibrierung / Español: Calibración / Português: Calibração / Français: Calibration / Italiano: Taratura /

Calibration is a significant concept in psychology, primarily related to the assessment and adjustment of an individual's judgments or perceptions. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the meaning of calibration in the psychological context, explore numerous examples, examine potential risks, and provide recommendations for its effective utilization. We will also briefly touch upon historical and legal aspects where applicable. The article concludes with examples of sentences demonstrating the usage of "calibration" in various grammatical forms and lists related terms within the field of psychology.

Calibration curve refers to a plot of accuracy against confidence judgments. The more the curve approaches a 45-degree line, the better the "calibration” or "fit" between the two (2).

California Psychological Inventory (CPI) refers to a commonly used personality test, aimed especially at high-school and college students, that tests for traits such as dominance, sociability, responsibility, and so on.

Call boy refers to a higher-class male prostitute who is usually contacted by telephone and may work by either the hour or the evening or for longer periods.

Call girl refers to a higher-class female prostitute who is often contacted by telephone and may either work by the hour or the evening or for longer periods.

Callous and unemotional interpersonal style refers to a mode of Social Interaction that is characterized by

Calmness is a psychological state characterized by a sense of tranquility, relaxation, and emotional stability. It is often associated with feelings of contentment, peacefulness, and a lack of anxiety or stress. In this context, we will discuss the concept of calmness, its effects on human behavior, and similar concepts that are relevant to it.