Glossary C

- Cardiovascular reactivity (CVR) : Cardiovascular reactivity (CVR refers to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate as a reaction to frustration or harassment; changes in heart rate and blood pressure in response to stress. Reactivity varies greatly between individuals and is a key physiological risk factor for the development of Cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular system refers to the transport system of the body responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the body and carrying away carbon dioxide and other wastes to the kidneys for excretion. It is composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

Deutsch: Betreuung / Español: Cuidado / Português: Cuidado / Français: Soin / Italiano: Cura /

Care means the commitment to be concerned.

Deutsch: Karrierewechsel / Español: Cambio de carrera / Português: Mudança de carreira / Français: Changement de carrière / Italiano: Cambiamento di carriera

Career change in the psychology context refers to the process and experience of transitioning from one profession or job role to another. This concept involves understanding the psychological factors that drive individuals to change careers, the emotional and mental challenges they face during the transition, and the strategies they use to adapt to new professional environments.

Career criminal refers to a person who has a past record of multiple arrests or convictions for serious crimes or who has an unusually large number of arrests or convictions for crimes of varying degrees of seriousness.

Career development is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology that refers to the stages of development that people go through throughout their lives. Each of this stages has a specific tasks, issues and challenges related to the jobs in which these people have been involved.

Deutsch: Berufliche Erfüllung / Español: Realización Profesional / Português: Realização Profissional / Français: Épanouissement Professionnel / Italiano: Realizzazione Professionale

In the psychology context, career fulfillment refers to the extent to which an individual finds their work to be rewarding, meaningful, and aligned with their personal goals, values, and interests. It encompasses more than just job satisfaction or financial success, diving deeper into the psychological and emotional aspects of work that contribute to a person's overall sense of purpose and well-being.