Context-conditioned variation refers to the fact that the acoustic parameters associated with a given speech sound vary with its phonetic context.

In psychology, "context-conditioned variation" refers to the idea that an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors can vary depending on the context in which they occur. Context refers to the physical, social, or cultural factors that surround an individual and that may influence their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Here are a few examples of how "context-conditioned variation" might be used in the field of psychology:

  1. Context-conditioned variation in behavior: Research has shown that an individual's behavior can vary depending on the context in which it occurs. For example, an individual who is generally shy and reserved may behave differently in a social setting with close friends versus a formal business setting.

  2. Context-conditioned variation in cognition: An individual's cognitive processes, such as their memory or attention, may also vary depending on the context in which they occur. For example, an individual may be more likely to remember information presented in a familiar setting or with familiar people.

  3. Context-conditioned variation in emotions: An individual's emotional experience may also be influenced by the context in which it occurs. For example, an individual may experience different emotions in a romantic relationship versus a professional setting.

  4. Context-conditioned variation in social interactions: An individual's social interactions may also vary depending on the context in which they occur. For example, an individual may behave differently with friends than with coworkers or family members.

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