Glossary E
Glossary E
Explicit memory refers to the deliberate recall of information that one recognizes as a memory, detectable by direct testing such as asking a person to describe a past event.
Deutsch: Ausbeutung / Español: Explotación / Português: Exploração / Français: Exploitation / Italiano: Sfruttamento
Exploitation in psychology refers to the unethical or manipulative use of another person’s vulnerabilities, resources, or abilities for one’s own benefit, often at the expense of the exploited individual. This behaviour can occur in interpersonal relationships, social systems, or organisational contexts, where power imbalances enable one party to take advantage of another, leading to emotional, psychological, or financial harm.
Deutsch: Erforschung der Bedeutung / Español: Exploración del significado / Português: Exploração do significado / Français: Exploration du sens / Italiano: Esplorazione del significato
Exploration of meaning in the psychology context refers to the process of seeking, understanding, and constructing the significance and purpose of life events, personal experiences, and existential questions. This exploration is integral to various psychological theories and practices, highlighting the human need for meaning as a central aspect of psychological well-being and mental health.
Exploration phase is a term in Tiedeman's career decision model, that refers to the phase when a person realizes that a career decision must be made and therefore begins to learn more about those aspects of the self and the occupational world that are relevant to the impending decision. The person begins to generate alternatives for action. Uncertainty about the future and the many alternatives is accompanied by feelings of anxiety.