Glossary E

Ethogram is defined as a relatively complete inventory of species specific behaviors shown by one species

Ethologist refers to a person who studies the natural behavior patterns of animals; a scientist who studies the behavior patterns that are characteristic of various species.

Ethology is defined as the study of the behavior of animals in their normal environment; the study of naturally occurring behavior; the study of the bio-evolutionary basis of behavior and development with a focus on survival of the individual. Moreover, Ethology is defined as the study of species-specific behavior in an animal's natural habitat. The Ethologist typically attempts to explain such behavior in terms of evolutionary theory. Please see also Species-specific behavior.

Ethos, following Aristotle, refers to persuasion based upon an appeal that concentrates upon the source of the message rather than the source itself

Ethos of peace refers to an atmosphere of acceptance and cooperation which can facilitate the resolution of disputes

Etiological models of Psychopathology refers to causal models of abnormal behavior and mental illness that also have implications for assessment and treatment. Major Etiological models of Psychopathology include the biological, psychodynamic, learning, and cognitive models.

Etiology refers to the study of the causes of disorders. With regard to childhood disorders, etiology considers how biological, psychological, and environmental processes interact.

Etiquette refers to a system of rules and conventions that regulate social and professional behavior