Glossary F

False belief (understanding) is defined as the understanding that other people can hold beliefs that contradict reality and that they will act on those beliefs. False-belief understanding is an important component of theory of mind understandings.

False consensus effect refers to man's incorrect belief that others agree with him.

False hope syndrome refers to the tendency to try repeatedly but unsuccessfully to achieve a goal because of unrealistic expectations about the likelihood of success
False identification it is when a witness incorrectly identifies an innocent suspect as the person who committed a crime

Deutsch: Falsche Erinnerungen / Español: Falsos Recuerdos / Português: Memórias Falsas / Français: Faux Souvenirs / Italiano: False Memorie

False memories in the psychology context refer to recollections of events that never occurred or memories that are distorted versions of actual events. These memories are convincingly real to the person recalling them, even though they are incorrect or fabricated.

False memory refer to "recollections” of "events” that never in fact occurred.

Moreover, False memory is "Remembering” items or events that did not occur.

See also Recovered memory.

- False memory syndrome : False memory syndrome refers to a a memory of a past traumatic experience that is objectively false but that people believe occurred

Deutsch: Falsche Bescheidenheit / Español: Falsa modestia / Português: Falsa modéstia / Français: Fausse modestie / Italiano: Falsa modestia /

In the psychology context, false modesty refers to a behavior or attitude where an individual downplays their own achievements, skills, or qualities, often in an attempt to appear humble or unassuming, despite actually believing in their superiority or seeking admiration from others. This social strategy can be used to manipulate others' perceptions, avoid envy, or adhere to social norms that value humility. False modesty contrasts with genuine modesty, where individuals genuinely underestimate or undervalue their own accomplishments or qualities.