Glossary G

Gate theory refers to the assumption that stimulation of certain non-pain axons in the skin or in the brain can inhibit transmission of pain messages in the spinal cord

Gate-control model refers to Melzack and Wall’s idea that our perception of pain is controlled by a neural circuit that takes into account the relative amount of activity in large (L) fibers and small (S) fibers. Gate-control model has been used to explain how pain can be influenced by factors in addition to stimulation of receptors in the skin.

Gatekeeper is defined as a person who screens potential communication for someone else and allows only the most important information to pass through.

Gay is defined as a male who is interested romantically and sexually in other males. Gay is also used more broadly to refer to both lesbians and gay males.

Gay bar refers to a club or bar that caters primarily to same-sex couples; a cocktail lounge catering to lesbians or gays.

Gay bashing refers to attack against homosexuals which is either verbal or physical.

Gay baths refer to clubs where gay men can socialize which features include a swimming pool or whirlpool and access to casual sex.