Gestalt psychology refers to a school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the object
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A school of psychology emphasizing the study of whole entities rather than simple elements and emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts. Gestalt Psychologists concentrate on problems of perception and problem solving and argue that people’s cognitive experience is not reducible to their experience of simple elements (for example, sensations) but, rather, to the overall structure/s of their experience. They believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and study, among other issues, the relationship of a figure to its background.
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Gestalt psychology is defined as a school of Psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the object. It states that a person best understand psychological phenomena when he/she views them as organized, structured wholes. Likewise, Gestalt psychology is a school of psychology emphasizing the study of whole entities rather than simple elements and emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts. Gestalt Psychologists concentrate on problems of perception and problem solving and argue that people’s cognitive experience is not reducible to their experience of simple elements (for example, sensations) but, rather, to the overall structure/s of their experience.

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