Glossary H
Glossary H
Hematoma is defined as the massive accumulation of blood within the cranium.
Hemianopia which is also called Homonymous Hemianopsia half-blindness is defined as partial blindness on the same side, or visual field, of each eye. The partial blindness is not related to a malfunction of the eye, but to the brain connection to the occipital lobes. This problem is also attributed to unilateral damage to the right or left occipital lobes.
Hemiplegia refers to the loss of voluntary movement to one side of the body, often as a result of stroke.
Hemiplegia is also defined as a paralysis of one side of the body which may be a presenting condition in Conversion disorder.
Hemispherectomy is a surgical treatment for epilepsy in which one of the two cerebral hemispheres, which together make up the majority of the brain, is removed.
Hemispheres refers to the (2) two approximately equal halves of the neo-cortex; the right and left halves of the cortex
Hemispheric asymmetry refers to the differentiation in morphology and physiology of the brain between the right and left hemispheres.