Glossary H

Health behaviors is defined as behaviors undertaken by people to enhance or maintain their health, such as exercise or the consumption of a healthy diet.

Health belief model refers to a theory of health behaviors. The model predicts that whether a person practices a particular health habit can be understood by knowing the degree to which the person perceives a personal health threat and the perception that a particular health practice will be effective in reducing that threat.

Health disparities refer to differences in health that are not only unnecessary and avoidable, but in addition, are considered unfair and unjust.
Health education refers to a term for the collection of efforts to teach people to limit behaviors detrimental to their health and increase behaviors that are conducive to health. Health educators pay attention to a range of factors including the individual, interpersonal relationships, institutions, community, and public policy.
Health expectancy is defined as the period of life that a person spends free from disability.

Health habit is defined as a health-related behavior that is firmly established and usually performed automatically, such as taking vitamins regularly, exercise regularly, buckling a seat belt or brushing one's teeth.

Health insurance refers to the financial protection against the medical care costs arising from accidental bodily injury or disease.

- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) : Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) refers to an act which ensures the privacy of client records and the sharing of such information. Generally, HIPAA restricts the amount of information that can be shared without client's consent and allows clients to have access to their records, except for process notes used in counseling.