Glossary H

Hispanic Americans refer to Americans whose cultural origins trace back to countries in which the dominant language is Spanish, such as Cuba, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, as well as Central and South American countries

Histamine are chemicals that are secreted in the body that instigate swelling. The effect of Histamines can cause the itching in the eyes, nose, and throat that accompanies the swelling.

Histogram is defined as a frequency distribution graph in which a vertical bar indicates the frequency of each score from an interval or ratio scale of measurement. Moreover, Histogram is a means of illustrating the frequency of quantitative data using contiguous vertical bars. Quantitative class intervals are plotted on the abscissa, with frequency represented on the ordinate and the frequency of each class represented by the height of the bar over that class interval.

Historical determinism refers to the view that personality is basically fixed in the early years of life and subject to little change thereafter.

Historical development approach refers to the approach to history that concentrates on an element of a field or discipline and describes how the understanding or approach to studying that element has changed over time. An example of Historical development approach is a description of how mental illness has been defined and studied throughout history.

Historicism is defined as the study of the past for its own sake, without attempting to interpret and evaluate it in terms of current knowledge and standards, as is the case with presentism. Please see also Presentism.

Historiography refers to the study of the proper way to write history.

History is the study of past events.