Glossary H

Hospitality in the psychology context refers to the quality or disposition of being welcoming, warm, and generous towards others. It encompasses the willingness to provide care, comfort, and a sense of belonging to individuals, whether they are friends, family members, acquaintances, or even strangers. This psychological trait is vital for building positive relationships, fostering a sense of community, and promoting overall well-being.

Hospitalization in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Related Concepts

Hospitalization is a term primarily associated with physical health, where individuals are admitted to a hospital for medical treatment and care. However, in the psychology context, hospitalization refers to the admission of individuals to psychiatric hospitals or mental health facilities due to severe mental health issues or emotional crises. This comprehensive exploration will delve into the meaning of hospitalization in the psychology context, provide numerous examples to illustrate its significance, offer recommendations for supporting individuals who require hospitalization, and discuss related concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of this critical mental health intervention.

Hostile aggression refers to an act of aggression stemming from feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain.It is a type of aggression driven by anger and performed as an end in itself (also called affective aggression).

Hostile attribution bias refers to a tendency to assume that provocation is intentional. It is the tendency to perceive ambiguous actions by others as aggressive; tendency to view harm done under ambiguous circumstances as having stemmed from a hostile intent on the part of the harmdoer; characterizes reactive aggressors. Hostile attribution bias, moreover, is the tendency of aggressive children to attribute negative intent to others, especially when the intentions of another child are unclear

hostile attributional bias refers to the tendency of aggressive children to attribute negative intent to others, especially when the intentions of another child are unclear (e.g., when a child accidentally bumps into them, they are likely to think the other child did it on purpose).

Hostile environment harassment refers to a type of sexual harassment that occurs when an individual is subjected to unwelcome repeated sexual comments, innuendoes, or visually offensive material or touching that interferes with school or work. It is a type of harassment characterized by a pattern of unwanted conduct related to gender that interferes with an individual’s work performance.

Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment is defined as a workplace which promotes or tolerates sexual harassment