Glossary H

Hypervigilant is the start of being overly sensitive to sounds or sights.

Hypnagogic hallucination refers to vivid dreamlike visions experienced by some patients of narcolepsy; a vivid , dreamlike intrusions into wakefulness that occur in the transition between wakefulness and sleep onset. Hypnagogic hallucination also refers to a vivid dreamlike hallucination that occurs as one is falling asleep. It is the opposite of an Hypnopompic hallucination which is a vivid dreamlike hallucination that occurs as one is waking up.

Hypnagogic sleep refers to a stage of sleep which is neither dreaming nor

Hypnic jerk when feeling a falling sensation when going to sleep, one jerks to stop from falling.

Hypnopompic that which pertains to the semi-conscious state before waking.

Hypnopompic hallucination refers to the type of Hallucination which is a vivid dreamlike Hallucination on awakening.

Hypnosis refers to a method by which any person may be guided into a state of responsiveness in which psychological and physical changes, beyond normal conscious capability, may be achieved. In other words, hypnotic trance is essentially a state of hyper-suggestibility Inducing a state of high suggestibility by hypnosis, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation.

Hypnotherapy refers to a method of therapy in which hypnosis is used for various purposes, such as helping a person recall repressed memories.