Glossary H

Huntingtin refers to protein produced by the gene whose mutation leads to Huntington's disease
- Huntington’s chorea : Huntington's chorea is another name for Huntington's disease which refers to a fatal genetic neurologic disorder whose onset is in middle age; A genetic, autosomal dominant progressive subcortical dementia that inflicts devastating motor impairment in the form of chorea, as well as cognitive decline on adults in the prime of their lives. (see Huntington's disease)

Huntington’s disease or HD refers to a genetic disorder marked by involuntary limb movements and progressing to dementia ; a progressive and degenerative disease that causes difficulties in cognition, emotion, and movement.

Hurricane in the psychology context refers to a metaphorical concept rather than the meteorological phenomenon. In this context, a hurricane represents a state of intense emotional turmoil or distress experienced by an individual. It signifies a period of extreme emotional upheaval, often characterized by a wide range of negative emotions and psychological challenges.

Hustler refers to a male sex worker who sells his services to men.

hwa-byung is a Korean syndrome attributed to a suppression of anger. Its symptoms can include insomnia, fatigue, panic, fear of impending death, indigestion, labored breathing, and generalized aches and pains.

Hyaline cartilage refers to articular cartilage which covers the end of bones at diarthrodial joints to provide a cushioning effect and reduce friction during movement.

Hydration in the psychology context refers to the state of maintaining optimal mental and emotional well-being. While hydration is commonly associated with physical health and water intake, in psychology, it symbolizes emotional and mental self-care practices that help individuals stay emotionally balanced and resilient. This concept emphasizes the importance of nourishing one's emotional and mental health, much like how proper hydration is crucial for the body's physical health.