Glossary H

Hydraulic theory refers to the theory that unexpressed emotions build up pressure and must be expressed to relieve that pressure

Hydrocele refers to a condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of fluid within the tissue surrounding the testicle, which causes a scrotal mass.

Hydrocyanic acid refers to a poisonous acid produced by treating a cyanide with an acid; one of the products of cigarette smoke.
Hydrotherapy refers to activities and exercises that occur in water, for example, in a swimming pool to help improve or maintain physical ability.

Hygiene factors is a term in Herzberg’s Two-factor theory, job-related elements that result from but do not involve the job itself.

Hyperactive refers to the display of an unusually high level of energy and an inability to remain still or quiet.

Hyperactive/Impulsive is a form of ADHD in which people show both hyperactive and Impulsive behavior, but are able to pay

Hyperactivity refers to a term that describes a higher than normal level of activity. This may apply to behavior, and an organ can also be described as hyperactive if it is more active than usual.