Glossary I

Impulsiveness is a term used with respect to choice between two (2) rewards, that is selecting a smaller sooner reward over a larger later reward.

Impulsivity refers to the difficulty in controlling behaviors ; acting without thinking first.

In vitro fertilization refers to the fertilization of an ovum in a laboratory dish. In vitro fertilization is a process by which sperm and an egg are mixed in a petri dish to create a zygote, which is then placed in a woman’s uterus. Moreover, In vitro fertilization is a procedure in which a woman’s ova are removed from her body, fertilized with sperm in a laboratory, and then surgically implanted back into her uterus.

In vivo is the Latin term for "in life”, which refers to therapeutic procedures that take place in the client"s natural env

In vivo exposure refers to a technique of Behavior therapy in which clients are encouraged to experience directly the stim

In vivo observation refers to a form of Behavioral Assessment in which the individual is observed in the natural context in which the target Behavior occurs.

In-basket technique refers to an Assessment center exercise designed to simulate the types of information that daily come across a manager"s or employee"s desk in Order to observe the

In-basket test refers to a testing procedure that simulates the individual decision-making challenges that executives face