Glossary I

Deutsch: Implizit / Español: Implícito / Português: Implícito / Français: Implicite / Italiano: Implicito /

Implicit may be defined as: 1. Implied or understood though not directly expressed. 2. Contained in the nature of something though not readily apparent.

- Implicit Association Test (IAT) : Implicit Association Test or IAT refers to a reaction time procedure that provides a measure of implicit attitudes. Participants sort targets into a "good" category or a "bad" category, and the speed at which the sorting is completed is taken as a measurement of one’s implicit attitude toward the object.

Implicit attitudes refer to attitudes that are outside conscious Awareness and control. Implicit attitudes are automatic and non-conscious evaluative responses to a target which may occur without awareness.

Implicit Attitudes Measures refer to tests that measure a person's attitudes, example, about race, without the person's Awareness of what is being measured.

- Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT) : Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT ) refers to a method of measuring biological and psychological reaction time when a pair of values are presented
Implicit cognition refers to thought that occurs without awareness that one is thinking.

Implicit encoding refers to a principle of imagery that holds mental imagery is used in retrieving information about physical properties of objects, or of physical relationships among objects, that may not have been explicitly encoded.

Implicit intergroup bias refer to distorted judgments about members of a group based on a stereotype, which can occur without the person’s awareness