Glossary I

Imposter syndrome refers to the feeling that although humans have gained expertise in a particular area, they still feel as if they are "faking it" or not worthy of what they have accomplished. It is a common concern of beginning Counselors.

Impotence is defined as the inability to have an erection

Impoverished Leadership refers to a style of leadership in which the leader is concerned with neither productivity nor the well-being of employees.
Impression formation refers to the way in which people combine the components of another person’s personality and come up with an integrated perception of them.

Impression management refers to human's conscious or unconscious orchestration of a carefully designed presentation of self so as to create a certain impression that fits our goals or needs in a social interaction. It refers often to conscious efforts to influence the way others think of one.

Impression management theory is an alternative to Dissonance theory, which argues that participants in dissonance experiments want to appear consistent to the experimenter and therefore lie about their attitudes

Impressionable years hypothesis refers to proposition that adolescents and young adults are more easily persuaded than their elders.

Impressions is a term according to Hume that refers to the relatively strong mental experiences caused by sensory stimulation. For Hume, Impression is essentially the same thing as what others called Sensation.