Glossary I

Internet addiction refers to an impulse control condition in which an individual feels an irresistible need to be involved in Internet-based activities, such as chatting, surfing, playing internet games. etc.

Internet Fraud Complaint Center refers to a location where fraud complaints can be lodged

Internet survey is defined as a survey administered electronically over the Internet.

Interneuron refers to neuron whose axons and dendrites are entirely contained within a given structure. Interneurons, moreover, are central or connecting neurons that conduct impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons.

Internship is defined as a situation in which a student works for an organization, either for pay or as a volunteer, to receive practical work experience. Internship is also an intensive clinical experience required of all Clinical psychology students and often occurs at the very end of their graduate training. Typically, internships last one (1) year and involve full-time work at an independent facility.
Interoceptive avoidance refers to the emotional evasion of subjective perceptions of panic and fear.

Interoceptive awareness is defined as heightened awareness of bodily cues that a panic attack may soon happen

Interoceptive cues are internal physiological stimuli , examples are dizziness or nausea