Glossary L
Glossary L
Deutsch: Verlustaversion / Español: Aversión a la Pérdida / Português: Aversão à Perda / Français: Aversion à la Perte / Italian: Avversione alla Perdita
Loss aversion in the psychology context refers to the tendency for individuals to prefer avoiding losses rather than acquiring equivalent gains. This means that the pain of losing something is psychologically more powerful than the pleasure of gaining something of the same value. Loss aversion is a key concept in behavioural economics and decision-making theories, illustrating how people often make irrational choices to avoid losses, even when it might not be in their best interest.
Loss continuum refers to a theory of person–environment interactions based on the notion that social participation declines as personal losses increase.
Loss-based selection refers to one of the two (2) main reasons for selection that occurs when this reduced involvement happens as a result of anticipated losses in personal or enironmental resources, such as when an older person stops going to church because he can no longer drive.
Loss-oriented processes is one of the two (2) complementary sets of coping processes in mourning that is concerned primarily in coping with "restoration". Loss-oriented processes involve the intrusion of grief into the life of the bereaved, grief work, the breaking of the bonds or ties to the deceased, and overcoming resistance to change.
Loudness refers to the perception of the intensity of a sound; the quality of sound that ranges from soft to loud. For a tone of a particular frequency, loudness usually increases with increasing decibels.