Glossary L

In the psychology context, a "linguist" does not have a direct definition because "linguist" traditionally refers to an individual who studies languages and their structure, history, and function. However, the intersection of linguistics and psychology is significant, particularly in areas like psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, which explore how language is understood, produced, and processed by the mind and brain.

In the realm of psychology, the term "linguistic" pertains to language and its role in understanding human cognition, behavior, and communication. Linguistic psychology delves into how language is used, processed, and manipulated to study various aspects of the mind and behavior.

Linguistic awareness refers to the knowledge of how sounds can be converted into graphemes to produce words and how words can be sequenced to convey meaning.

Linguistic competence is defined as underlying knowledge that allows a cognitive processor to engage in a particular cognitive activity involving language, independent of behavior expressing that knowledge. Contrast with Linguistic performance.

Linguistic determinism refers to the hypothesis that languages determine non-linguistic cognitive processes such as the perception of shapes. It is the hypothesis that language determines thought, with the corollary that speakers of different languages may, as result, think differently. Linguistic determinism is also known as the Whorfian hypothesis.

Linguistic intergroup bias refers to the tendency to describe positive ingroup and negative outgroup behaviors more abstractly and negative ingroup and positive outgroup behaviors more concretely.

Linguistic performance refers to the behavior or responses actually produced by a cognitive processor engaged in a particular cognitive activity involving language. Contrast with Linguistic competence.