Glossary L

Limulus is defined as a primitive animal more familiarly known as the Horseshoe crab, which has been used in experiments studying lateral inhibition.

Line graph refers to display in which points connected by straight lines show several different means obtained from different groups or treatment conditions. Line graph is a means of illustrating the relationship of two (2) variables using a continuous line or curve.

Linear displacement refers to the distance that a system moves in a straight line.

Linear function refers to a function that forms a straight line.

Linear motion refers to motion along a line. Linear motion is also referred to as Translatory motion.
Linear perspective is a cue to depth perception based on the fact that parallel lines come together at a single point in the distance

Linear relationship is a term in a scatter plot of the data for a correlational study that refers to a pattern in which the data points tend to cluster around a straight line.

Lineup may refer to the lining up of prostitutes in a brothel so that when clients enter a brothel, they can choose the prostitute they want. Lineup also refers to a a police procedure in which a witness to the crime is shown a suspect or a picture of the suspect along with several other people (or photos of people) to see if the witness recognizes one of the lineup members as the person who committed the crime