Glossary L

Light adapted sensitivity refers to the sensitivity of the eye when in the light-adapted state. Often taken as the starting point for the dark adaptation curve because it is the sensitivity of the eye just before the lights are turned off.

Deutsch: Lichtverschmutzung / English: Light Pollution / Español: Contaminación Lumínica / Português: Poluição Luminosa / Français: Pollution Lumineuse / Italiano: Inquinamento Luminoso

Light pollution in the psychology context refers to the excessive or misdirected artificial light that disrupts the natural environment, affecting human health and behavior. While often discussed in environmental sciences, light pollution has significant psychological implications, influencing sleep patterns, mood, and overall well-being. Excessive exposure to artificial light, especially during nighttime, can interfere with the circadian rhythms, leading to sleep disturbances and a range of associated psychological effects.

Light sleep refers to Stage 1 sleep, marked by small irregular brainwaves and some alpha waves.

Light therapy is the treatment for Seasonal affective disorder that involves exposure to bright lights during the winter months

Light-from-above heuristic is the assumption that light often comes from above, which influences our perception of form in some situations.

Light/Deep sleep refers to a stage of sleep which is described below:

Your brain waves move fast when you are awake. This is known as "beta" waves. When you lie down, close your e

In the context of psychology, the term "lighter" refers to a psychological state or condition characterized by a feeling of reduced emotional weight, a sense of relief, or an improved mood. This state is often associated with the alleviation of emotional burdens, stress, or negative emotions. People may experience a lighter emotional state after successfully addressing and resolving issues that were causing distress or after experiencing positive events that improve their overall well-being.

Lightheadedness is defined as a feeling you are "going to faint." Lightheadedness is medically distinct from dizziness, unsteadiness, and vertigo. Please see Dizziness, Unsteadiness, and Vertigo.