Glossary L

Lilliputian hallucination refers to the type of Hallucination in which things, people, or animals seem smaller than they would be in reality.

Limb-kinetic Apraxia is a sub-type of Apraxia involving problems in executing precise, independent, or coordinated finger movements.

Limbic system is part of the brain that relays information from the primitive brain stem about changes in bodily functions to the cortex, where the information is interpreted.

Limen is a term for Leibniz and Herbart which refers to the border between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Limen is also called Threshold.

Deutsch: Begrenzung / Español: Limitación / Português: Limitação / Français: Limitation / Italiano: Limitazione /

Limitation in the Psychology Context: Understanding Constraints, Overcoming Challenges, and Fostering Growth

In psychology, limitation refers to the constraints, boundaries, or restrictions that individuals may encounter in their thoughts, behaviors, or emotional experiences. These limitations can be internal, such as cognitive biases and self-imposed beliefs, or external, such as societal norms and environmental factors. Understanding limitation in the psychology context is essential because it sheds light on how these constraints can impact personal development, decision-making, and overall well-being. This knowledge can guide individuals in recognizing and addressing their limitations, fostering growth, and seeking strategies to overcome challenges. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of limitation in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for overcoming limitations, discuss treatment approaches for challenges related to limitation, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.

Limited capacity refers to the concept that one's information processing ability is restricted, that people can only do so many things at any single time. Metaphors for capacity include mental space, mental energy or effort, and time.

Limited-capacity processor is a system that acquires, stores, manipulates, and/or transmits information but has fixed limits on the amount or rate of processing that it can accomplish.

Limited-number technique refers to influence technique based on scarcity, in which one tells people that an item is in short supply