Glossary M

Deutsch: Bewegung

The term "movement" can refer to physical movement or to psychological movement, or changes in thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

MP is the abbreviations of Management psychology which refers to the branch of psychology that studies psychological regularities of management activities. The main goal of MP is to analyze psychological conditions and peculiarities of management activities in order to raise the efficiency and quality of management system.

MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging ) is the acronym of Magnetic Resonance Imaging which is defined as the body imaging technique in which a person is surrounded with a strong magnetic field.

MS is the abbreviations of Multiple Sclerosis that refers to chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system in which gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain or spinal cord (or both), which interferes with the nerve pathways, causing muscular weakness, loss of speech and coordination, and visual disturbances.

MSBP stands for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is a specific subtype of Munchausen Syndrome, a factitious disorder characterized by the fabrication or induction of illness in another person, typically a child or person under the care of the perpetrator. It is a rare but serious condition where a person, usually a parent or caretaker, deliberately produces or causes symptoms of illness in another person, often a child, in order to gain attention or sympathy from others.

MSE is the abbreviations of Mental status exam/Mental status examination which refers to the initial evaluation of a client by a practitioner to determine the client’s overall mental condition, including orientation to person, place, time; insight and judgment; mental and emotional state ; a relatively coarse preliminary test of a client’s judgment, orientation to time and place, and emotional and mental state; typically conducted during an initial interview.

MSLT is the abbreviations of Sleep Latency Test which is a standardized procedure used to measure daytime sleepiness. During the test, the patient is asked to stay awake for

MST is the acronym of Medial Superior Temporal cortex, an area in which neurons are sensitive to expansion, contraction, or rotation of the visual field or to the movement of an object relative to its background

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