Glossary M

Motherhood mandate refers to the belief that something is wrong with a woman if she is not involved in care-giving or child care.

Motile response refers to response to sound of the outer hair cells in which these cells move. The cells tilt and get slightly longer, which increases basilar membrane vibration and therefore amplifies the response of the inner hair cells.
Motility means self -propulsion.

Motion is defined as oral or written request to a judge that asks the court to make a specified ruling, finding, decision, or order. It may be presented at any appropriate moment from arrest until the end of the trial.

Motion aftereffect is defined as an illusion that occurs after a person views a moving stimulus and then sees movement in the opposite direction when viewing a stationary stimulus. Please see also Waterfall illusion.

Motion Agnosia refers to an effect of brain damage in which the ability to perceive motion is disrupted.
Motion blindness refers to impaired ability to perceive the direction or speed of movement, despite otherwise satisfactory vision

Motion parallax is a depth cue. As an observer moves, nearby objects appear to move rapidly, whereas far objects appear to move slowly; kinetic cue to depth perception based on the fact that nearby moving objects move across our visual field faster than do distant objects.

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