Glossary N

Neuromodulator refers to chemical that has properties intermediate between those of a neurotransmitter and those of a hormone.

Neuromuscular describes the junction synapse between axon terminal of a motor neuron and the motor end plate of a muscle's plasma membrane.

Neuromuscular refers to the intricate interplay between the nervous system and the muscular system in the context of psychology and physiology. This term encompasses the connections, interactions, and processes that take place between the neurons (nerve cells) and the muscles throughout the body. Understanding the neuromuscular system is crucial in various aspects of psychology, healthcare, and sports performance, as it plays a pivotal role in controlling movement, coordination, and overall physical function.

Neuromuscular junction is defined as a synapse where a motor neuron’s axon meets a muscle fiber

Neuron refers to individual nerve cell responsible for transmitting information.

Neuron theory refers to the idea that the nervous system consists of distinct elements or cells.

Neuronal ectopias which is also known as "brain warts" refers to an abnormal placement and development of neural cells usually associated with a disruption of the migratory phase of brain development.

Neuropathic pain ia defined as pain caused by lesions or other damage to the nervous system ; pure nociception without significant psychological pain.
Neuropeptide is the chemical formed of a chain of amino acids ; released by a neuron to diffuse widely, affecting many other neurons. Neuropeptides are, likewise, brain chemicals that regulate the activity of neurons, such as enkephalins and endorphins

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