Glossary N

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) refers ti peptide found in the brain, especially the hypothalamus. Neuropeptide Y inhibits activity of the paraventricular nucleus and thereby increases meal size

In psychology, neurophysiology refers to the study of the structure, function, and development of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and neurons. It explores how the nervous system influences behavior, thought processes, emotions, and cognitive functioning.

Neuroplasticity is defined as the capacity of the human brains to change in response to experience; extent to which brain organization is flexible.

Neuropsychiatry is a specialized field within the realm of medicine and psychology that focuses on the intricate relationship between neurological disorders and psychiatric conditions. This discipline examines how various neurological conditions can manifest with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms, often blurring the lines between traditional neurological and psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychiatrists are medical professionals who are uniquely trained to diagnose, treat, and manage individuals experiencing these complex interactions between brain function and mental health.

Neuropsychological assessment is defined as the assessment of brain functioning based on a person's performance on non-invasive, standardized tests that are believed to be accurate and sensitive indicators of brain-behavior relationships.

Neuropsychological evaluation refers to an evaluation that involves a detailed examination, often using standardized tests, to describe an individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Neuropsychological testing refers to the Assessment of brain and nervous System functioning by testing an individual"s performance on behavioral tasks.

Neuropsychological tests refers to formal ways of measuring behavioral functions that may be impaired by brain lesions.

Neuropsychological tests are traditionally defined as those

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