Glossary N

Neuro-developmental refers to the development relating to the brain.

Neuroanatomy is defined as the anatomy of the nervous system

Neurocognitive dream theory refers to the proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts and emotions.

Neurodevelopmental hypothesis is the proposal that Schizophrenia is based on abnormalities in the pre-natal or neo-natal development of the nervous system, which lead to subtle but important abnormalities of brain anatomy and major abnormalities in behavior

Neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia refers to a model which proposes that genetic vulnerability and early neurodevelopmental insults result in impaired connections among many brain regions. This defective neural circuitry is then vulnerable to dysfunction and ultimately revealed by developmental processes and events during puberty and by exposure to stress.

- Neurodevelopmental model of Schizophrenia : Neurodevelopmental model of Schizophrenia refers to a model proposes that genetic vulnerability and early neurodevelopmental insults result in impaired connections among many brain regions. This defective neural circuitry is then vulnerable to dysfunction and ultimately revealed by developmental processes and events during puberty and by exposure to stress. The Neurodevelopmental model is consistent with findings that infants and children who later develop Schizophrenia usually display developmental impairments in motor, language, cognitive, and social functioning well before the onset of their psychotic symptoms.
Neurodiagnostic procedures are procedures, such as, spinal taps, CAT scans, and functional MRIs for detecting the presence and location of brain damage. These procedures vary in their expense, their sensitivity, their invasiveness, and the risk they pose to the patient.
Neuroendocrine system is the endocrine glands that are controlled by and interact with the nervous system.

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