Glossary N

Neuroleptic drug is drug used to treat psychotic symptoms
Neuroleptic drugs refer to a range of drugs traditionally used to treat schizophrenia.

Neuroleptics refers to a category of medications used to reduce the frequency and intensity of psychotic symptoms Neuroleptics is also called Major tranquilizers.
Neurolinguistics is defined as the study of the brain and language ; study of how linguistic information is processed in the brain. .

Neurologic examination refers to a routine introductory evaluation performed by a Neurologist, a physician who has specialized in evaluating and treating neurologic disorders. Although there are many variations, in principle, the neurologic examination involves a detailed history of the patient's medical history and a careful assessment of the patient's reflexes, cranial nerve functioning, gross movements, muscle tone, and ability to perceive sensory stimuli.

Neurological a term having to do with the nerves or the nervous system; a term that refers to the nerves or the nervous system.

Neurological soft signs is defined as the subtle behavioral signs of brain dysfunction which include clumsiness, an awkward gait, poor hand-eye coordination, and other perceptual and motor problems.

Neuromas are tumors or new growths that are largely made up of nerve cells and nerve fibers.

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