Glossary P

Psychodynamic theories refer to theories developed by Freud's followers, but usually differing somewhat from Freud's original theories.

Psychodynamic therapies are therapies focused on uncovering and resolving unconscious conflicts that drive psychological symptoms. Psychodynamic therapy is likewise defined as a type of psychotherapy that draws on psychoanalytic theory to help people understand the roots of emotional distress, often by exploring unconscious motives, needs, and defenses.

Psychodynamics refers to the processes of interaction among Personality structures that lie beneath the surface of observable behavior.

In Psychology, Psychodynamics refers to the

Psychoeducation in the psychology context refers to a therapeutic approach that involves educating individuals, families, or communities about mental health, psychological disorders, coping strategies, and the various treatment options available. The primary goal of psychoeducation is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills to better understand, manage, and navigate their mental health challenges. This approach recognizes that informed individuals are better equipped to make decisions about their mental health and well-being.

Psychoeducational Diagnostician refers to Mental health professionals who provide assessments and make recommendations for the treatment of ADD and/or learning disabilities.
Psychogenic means having psychological origins, rather than physical causes; relating to psychological causes. .

Psychogenic Amnesia is the loss of memory in the absence of any brain injury or disease and thought to have psychological causes

Psychogenic illness refers to a set of symptoms of illness in a group of persons when there is no evidence of an organic basis for the illness and no identifiable environmental cause.

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