Glossary P

Deutsch: Psychische Epidemien / Español: Epidemias psíquicas / Português: Epidemias psíquicas / Français: Épidémies psychiques / Italiano: Epidemie psichiche /

Psychic epidemics refers to a phenomena in which large numbers of people begin to engage in unusual behaviors that appear to have a psychological origin.

Psychic Mass refers to the psychic equivalent to physical mass. It is defined here as intensity times psychic probability.

Psychic mechanics is the term used by Herbart to describe how ideas struggle with each other to gain conscious expression.

Psychic Probability is a term used by Carl Jung to denote the probability of archetypal activity as opposed to random chance.
Psychical determinism refers to the type of determinism that stresses mental causes of behavior.

Psychoactive means pertaining to effects on mood, thinking, and behavior.

Deutsch: Psychoaktives Medikament / Español: Droga psicoactiva / Português: Droga psicoativa / Français: Drogue psychoactive / Italian: Droga psicoattiva

Psychoactive drug refers to a substance capable of altering attention, memory, judgment, time sense, self-control, mood, or perception. These drugs are widely used in both medical and recreational contexts and can have significant impacts on mental health and psychological functioning.