Glossary S

Stereotyped Movements refer to repetitive, seemingly driven, and non-functional motor behaviour.

Stereotypic movement disorder refers to a disorder in which the individual voluntarily repeats nonfunctional behaviors, such as rocking or head-banging, that can be damaging to his or her physical well-being.

Stereotyping refers to an assumption that all members of a group are the same.

Stereotypy refer to purposeless repetitive movements often seemingly driven and non-functional, like folding a piece of paper along the same crease until it disintegrates.

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory refers to Robert J Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence consisting of three (3) subtheories:

(1) the componential subtheory which outlines the structures and mechanisms that underlie intelligent behavior categorized as metacognitive, performance, or knowledge acquistion components ,

Steroid hormone refers a hormone that contains four (4) carbon rings

Steroids refers to a class of lipids, derived from cholesterol, that includes the hormones testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, and a

STI is the abbreviations of Sexually transmitted infection that refers to an infection that is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. STI is used to be called Sexually transmitted disease (STD) or venereal disease (VD).

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