Glossary T

Triskaidekaphobia refers to the fear of the number 13. It's one more than the dozen which leaves one unlucky one out if you divide something in groups of two, three, four, or six. It's

Tritanopia refers to a form of dichromatism Thought to be caused by a lack of the short-wavelength cone pigment.

Troilism means three (3) people having sex together; any sex sessions involving multiple partners, typically witnessed by others.

Trojan virus refers to a destructive programme that masquerades as a benign application. Unlike viruses, ‘Trojans’ do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive.

Trophoblast refers to the outer part of the blastocyst from which the amniotic sac, placenta, and umbilical cord develop.

Tropism refers to the automatic orienting response that Loeb studied in plants and animals.

The Tropomyosin protein covering describes the actin binding sites that prevents the myosin cross-bridge from touching actin.

Troponin is a protein, associated with actin and tropomyosin, that binds and initiates the movement of tropomyosin on actin to allow the myosin cross-bridge to touch actin and initiate contraction.