Glossary V

Deutsch: Ventrikel / Español: ventrículo / Português: ventrículo / Français: ventricule / Italiano: ventricolo

In the context of psychology, particularly in neuropsychology and biological psychology, a ventricle refers to one of the cavities within the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The brain's ventricles are part of the central nervous system's broader fluid system and play a critical role in cushioning the brain, maintaining intracranial pressure, and clearing waste.

Venules are small blood vessels carrying capillary blood to veins.

Verbal Abuse refers to the use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, and show disrespect and disdain to another, and is often a component of other types of abuse.

Verbal learning refers to a field of experimental psychology which studies the formation of certain verbal associations; deals with acquisition of the associations. There are four (4) basic kinds or Verbal learning: 1. Serial learning 2. Serial-anticipation learning 3. Paired associate learning 4. Free recall learning
Verbal Operants refer to the Units that Skinner described in his theory of verbal behaviour that consist of a response as well as its controlling antecedents and consequences.

Deutsch: Verbigeration / Español: Verbigéración / Português: Verbigeración / Français: Verbigeration / Italiano: Verbigerazione /

Verbigeration is defined as obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases.

Verboten is a German word which means "not allowed", "forbidden" or "prohibited."

Vernix refers to an oily, white, cheese-like substance that coats or covers the fetus in the uterus to protect the skin from chapping and protects the fetus’s skin during development.