Glossary V

Validation in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, and Recommendations

Validation, in the realm of psychology, refers to the process of acknowledging and recognizing an individual's thoughts, feelings, and experiences as legitimate and worthy of acceptance. It is a fundamental aspect of healthy interpersonal relationships and emotional well-being. In this context, we'll delve into the meaning of validation, provide numerous examples, offer recommendations for practicing validation effectively, and explore similar psychological concepts.

Validity refers to the extent to which a measure actually assesses the dimension or construct that the researcher sets out to measure.

Valproate is a medication used in the field of psychology and psychiatry to manage various neurological and psychiatric conditions. It is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug that can help stabilize mood and prevent seizures. Valproate's primary mechanism of action involves enhancing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating brain activity.

Value differences refer to differences in what people believe and what they consider to be important.

Values refer to the core beliefs we hold regarding what is right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with others.

Vandalism refers to the willful damage or destruction of school property including bombing, arson, graffi ti, and other acts that cause property damage.

Variability refers to the degree of change in a phenomenon over time.

Variable refers to a dimension along which people, things, or events differ.

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