Glossary V

Verboten is a German word which means "not allowed", "forbidden" or "prohibited."

Deutsch: Verifikation / Español: Verificación / Português: Verificação / Français: Vérification / Italian: Verifica

Verification in the psychology context refers to the process of confirming the accuracy, validity, and reliability of findings, theories, or hypotheses. This process is crucial in ensuring that psychological research and clinical practices are based on sound evidence and can be trusted to inform decisions and interventions.

Vernix refers to an oily, white, cheese-like substance that coats or covers the fetus in the uterus to protect the skin from chapping and protects the fetus’s skin during development.

Vertebral arteries refer to the two (4) of the four major arteries to the brain, supplying the posterior portions of the brain.

Vertebral column refers to the bony structure that extends from the cranium to the coccyx and encloses the spinal cord.

Vertical axis refers to the axis that runs straight down through the top of the head and spinal column and is at a right angle to the transverse plane of motion. Vertical axis is also known as the Longitudinal or Long axis.
Vertical dyad linkage theory is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology referring to a leadership theory that concentrates on the interaction between the leader and his or her subordinates.

Vertical percentage method is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology for scoring biodata in which the percentage of unsuccessful employees responding in a particular way is subtracted from the percentage of successful employees responding in the same way.