Glossary V

Visual hallucination refers to the typeof Hallucination involving the false visual perception of objects or persons.

Visual learning is one of the three (3) learning styles which refers to "learning through seeing". Visual learners are individuals who need to see the teacher's body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions, example other students heads. The visual learners may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies and projectors, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.

Visual memory refers to the ability to retain information which is presented visually; may be short term memory, such as recalling information presented several seconds before; long term memory, such as recalling information presented more than a minute before; or sequential memory, such as recalling a series of information in proper order.

Visual search refers to a procedure in which a person"s task is to find a particular element in a display that contains a number of elements. Likewise, Visual search is a task in which a vis

Visual search task refers to a task in which subjects are asked to detect the presence of a particular target against an array of similar stimuli.

Visual-memory Skills refer to the ability to recall information presented visually.

Deutsch: Visualisierung / Español: Visualización / Português: Visualização / Français: Visualisation / Italiano: Visualizzazione

Visualisation in the psychology context refers to the cognitive process of mentally creating or recreating images, scenarios, or events. This technique is widely used in various psychological fields and therapeutic practices to enhance mental well-being, improve performance, and facilitate healing and personal growth. Visualization leverages the brain's ability to simulate experiences, making it a powerful tool for achieving a wide range of psychological and physiological outcomes.

The term vital capacity (VC) specifies the volume of air that can be moved into or out of the lungs in one breath; equal to the sum of the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes and the tidal volume.