Deutsch: Ja/Nein-Fragen / Español: Preguntas de sí o no / Português: Perguntas de sim ou não / Français: Questions oui/non / Italiano: Domande sì/no /

Yes/no questions refer to questions that can be answered with yes or no.

In psychology, they are often used in research studies and clinical assessments to gather information from participants. Here are some examples of yes/no questions:

  1. Have you ever experienced symptoms of depression?
  2. Do you often feel anxious in social situations?
  3. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder?
  4. Do you currently smoke cigarettes?
  5. Have you ever experienced a traumatic event?

Yes/no questions can be used in a variety of contexts and can be designed to elicit specific types of information. For example, in a clinical assessment, yes/no questions may be used to screen for symptoms of a specific mental health disorder. In a research study, yes/no questions may be used to assess the prevalence of certain behaviors or experiences within a sample population.

While yes/no questions can be useful for gathering basic information quickly, they do have some limitations. Participants may feel constrained by the yes/no response format and may not be able to fully express their thoughts or feelings. Additionally, yes/no questions may not provide enough detail to fully understand the complexity of certain experiences or behaviors. As such, it is often useful to combine yes/no questions with open-ended questions or other types of assessment measures to gather a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's experiences or behaviors.