Glossary A

Actin is a structural protein of muscle that works with myosin in permitting muscular contraction.

Deutsch: Handlung / Español: Acción / Português: Ação / Français: Action / Italiano: Azione /

Action includes motor activities, such as moving the head or eyes and locomoting through the environment. Action is also the stage in the Transtheoretical Model where subjects are actually changing their behavior. The change has to have taken place over the last six (6) months and should involve active efforts to change the behavior.

Action component is how a person tends to act toward the object of an attitude.

- Action potential : Action potential refers to a brief change in electrical voltage that occurs between the inside and the outside of an axon when a neuron is stimulated; it serves to produce an electrical impulse.

Action Potential refers to the all-or-none electrical event in the neuron or muscle cell in which the polarity of the cell membrane is rapidly reversed and then reestablished. Moreover, it is an electrical potential across the neuron membrane. The action potential spreads down the axon as the voltage-controlled sodium channels open up sequentially, like falling dominoes.
Action research refers to the research conducted by teachers, administrators, and other change agents in the school to improve the educational environment of their students, the goal of of which is to understand a specific problem or to improve teaching practices within a specific classroom or school settings.

Action tremor refers to a tremor that occurs during the performance of voluntary movements which includes postural, isometric, kinetic, and intention tremors.