Glossary A

In this context, Athletic Acceleration can be viewed through the lens of psychological factors that influence an athlete's ability to improve their speed and performance rapidly.

Athletic Trainer refers to a person who typically works with a specific sports team to provide acute and long-term care for athletic injuries.

In the psychology context, athleticism refers to the psychological characteristics that enable an individual to excel in physical activities, such as sports, dance, or gymnastics. Athletes are known to possess a range of psychological skills, such as self-confidence, motivation, goal-setting, and mental toughness, which allow them to perform at their best.

Atman refers to a concept of universality in which the self is not seen as an individual but as part of the entire universe. In Hindu writings, Atman refers to the unborn, undying self

Atmospheric perspective refers to a depth cue. Objects that are farther away look more blurred and bluer than objects that are closer because we must look through more air and particles to see them.

Atom is a piece of an element that cannot be divided any further.

Atomic number refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Atomic weight refers to the number indicating the weight of an atom relative to a weight of one for a proton