Glossary B

Bored With Life Syndrome (BWLS) refers to combined feelings of depression, frustration, boredom and uselessness which manifest in married males and females after the initial sexual energy in their relationships has waned or disappeared.

Deutsch: Geborener Verbrecher / Español: Criminal Nato / Português: Criminoso Nato / Français: Criminel-Né / Italiano: Criminale Nato /

Born criminal is a term which is according to Lombroso, a person born with features resembling an earlier, more primitive form of human life, destined to become a criminal.

Borna disease refers to a viral infection that affects the nervous system, producing results that range from exaggerated activity fluctuations to death.

BOS is the abbreviations of Behavioral observation scales, a method of performance Appraisal in which supervisors rate the frequency of observed behaviors.

In psychology, "boss" is not typically used as a term or concept. However, the concept of "leadership" is relevant to psychology and can be studied from different perspectives.

Bottom-up process refers to cognitive, usually perceptual) process guided by environmental input. Bottom-up process is also called "data-driven ” process.

Bottom-up processing refers to a response to a stimulus directly in terms of what is seen or experienced
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Bottom-up processing refers to the act of basing judgments on data rather than on inference.

Bottom-up theories refer to data-driven, that is stimulus-driven theories