Glossary C

Deutsch: Corey's Modell der ethischen Entscheidungsfindung / Español: Modelo de toma de decisiones éticas de Corey / Português: Modelo de tomada de decisão ética de Corey / Français: Modèle de prise de décision éthique de Corey / Italiano: Modello di decisione etica di Corey /

Corey’s model of ethical decision-making refers to a seven (7) step ethical decision-making model which include: 1. identifying the problem;. 2. identifying the potential issues involved;. 3. reviewing the relevant ethical guidelines;. 4. obtaining consultation ;. 5. considering possible and probable courses of action ;. 6. enumerating the consequences of various decisions ; and 7. deciding on the best course of action.

Cori cycle refers to the cycle of lactate-to-glucose between the muscle and liver.

Cornea is defined as the transparent focusing element of the eye that is the first structure through which light passes as it enters the eye. The Cornea is the eye’s major focusing element.

Corollary discharge signal refers to a copy of the signal sent from the motor area of the brain to the eye muscles. The Corollary discharge signal is sent to the hypothetical comparator of corollary discharge theory.
Corona is the ridge of the glans penis.
Coronal axis refers to the axis that runs from side to side through the body and is at a right angle to the sagittal plane of motion. Coronla axis is also known as the Frontal or Lateral axis.

Coronal plane is defiend as a plane ( y-axis) that shows the brain as seen from the front or frontal section. Typically, this plane is viewed from behind to provide consistency for right and left directions of the brain and the picture. Coronal plane is the plane that shows brain structures as they would be seen from the front